I felt the experiences were entirely separate game play wise. I started off with Starfleet Academy in HEAT.NET back when it was around and then branched out to Mplayer and eventually Game Spy Arcade for both KA and SFC. Originally posted by KOOLLAYDTAC:I played both back in the day. I do say they are different flavors and would urge anyone who is a Star Trek fan to give them both a try.

In any case either way both are awesome games and legends in their own rights. In the mean time I been thinking about taking a run in KA, but I already know it will more then likely be to play threw the SP part of it unless I actually come across that mod pack. I would only hope that the mods for this game haven't died out near as much as they have for KA. I didn't mind the game play style and I honestly thought STO as far as ship combat played a lot like this game.

I did have a lot of fun with SFC though and I might actually even rebuy it like I did SFA just to have the Steam version on my list. Here is the link for anyone wanting to check it out. I could be wrong, but I think Kali is the only place people can really play a lot of these old games at still now days. Which is sad really because the mods are what enhanced the multiplayer aspect of the game. For example KA had a large and at one point a very extremely popular mod called jburrows mod that would add all types of ships and mission scripts as well as the SP missions without needing the cd and I can't even find that anymore. That's if you can find them even at all any more. One thing I am noticing is mods that use to exist and be really popular for these games are becoming increasingly hard to find. You don't really see that type of imagination being used sadly anymore now days.

lol It was a lot of fun back in those days and a lot more engaging. For example we used to have a main site one of the community members updated for a map game which essentially meant we tracked the balance of power over territories in space which would be determined by the battles we held in the game. There was a lot more role play involved being part of that community in those days. I can honestly say the community was what made those games really great too. I found myself in KA more often then not, mainly because back then Star Trek Gaming Fleets were a big thing and if you lead one or were part of the Command that lead it then it was kind of an unspoken requirement that you had all the games your Fleet supported and would do battles in.